First, the “amateur” grading is amateur it? In our daily piano teaching process, “amateur piano grading” is the process most of the students have to go through. Some people think that this “amateur” does not mean some kind of irregular, not strict, non-standard, unprofessional, allowing a variety of substandard or even wrong learning methods, that “amateur grading” is used in “amateur playing law” Or “amateur teaching method.” actually it is a kind of misunderstand. The term “amateur” is used here mainly to indicate that it is a study in my spare time, and that most students who currently study piano may not necessarily play piano in the future. As for the teaching of piano itself, there is no more “amateur” problem. It is like a car that is not professionally controlled. However, he must also follow the same rules as a full-time driver while driving and follow the same traffic rules. Second, we must participate in “Grading” it? To learn the piano is not necessarily to participate in amateur piano grading? In fact, learning steel