I. Overview The energy distribution in the Soviet Union is extremely unbalanced. Europe owns 80% of industrial output, consumes 80% of energy, and 90% of its energy resources are in Asia. In order to adapt to this situation, the focus of Soviet energy development gradually moved eastward. During 1970-1980, the proportion of coal produced in Asia accounted for 53.8% of the national total, from 18.1% to 55% and natural gas from 29.8% to 63.3%. As can be seen from the above figures, oil and natural gas have enjoyed rapid growth and coal growth has been slower. The Siberia region is very rich in coal resources. In the central part of the Krasnoyarsk region of Siberia, the Siberian Railway stretches for 3,000 kilometers and covers an area of 50,000 square kilometers. The coal reserves within 600 meters are 670 billion tons, making it one of the seven major coal fields in the world.