民族精神化史诗 中华礼乐出新篇——浅析王宁新年礼乐《中华颂》

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2011年新年夜,由北京电视台、北京人民广播电台、歌华文化发展集团共同主办的北京“迎新年系列文化活动”在中华世纪坛隆重举行。主办方希望通过三至五年的培育,在中华世纪坛形成以“新年礼乐”为核心内容的迎新年仪式音乐活动,该活动每年将在新年时举办,力争打造成为代表中国特色,具有世界城市文化水准的节庆活动。此次活动不但包括“京昆名家名段演唱会”、《合.盒》新媒体艺术展,还特别演奏了向海内外作曲家广泛征集的此次 On the New Year’s Eve in 2011, Beijing “New Year Series of Cultural Activities” co-hosted by Beijing TV Station, Beijing People’s Broadcasting Station and Gehua Cultural Development Group was held at China Millennium Monument. The organizers hope that through three to five years’ training, a ceremony will be formed at the China Millennium Monument with “New Year rituals and music” as its core content. The event will be held every year on New Year’s Day, striving to build itself into a representative Chinese character, With the world’s urban cultural standards festival activities. The event not only includes “Beijing-Kunming famous family stage concert”, “together. Box” new media art exhibition, but also played a special solicitation of this extensive collection of domestic and foreign composers