
来源 :中国核工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:spsnake
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随着国家“要在本世纪头20年,集中力量,全面建设惠及十几亿人口的更高水平的小康社会”战略目标的提出,本世纪头20年,成为一个必须紧紧抓住并且可以大有作为的重要战略机遇期。作为国家经济建设的重要组成部分,中核集团公司和中核建设集团公司都制定了到2020年的中长期发展目标。众志乘长风,同心兴伟业。核工业两大集团公司的战略目标必须依靠各成员单位的共同努力才能够实现。如何围绕集团公司的发展目标,把握这样一个千载难逢的机遇,解决发展中面临的诸多问题,实现自身经济的崛起,为最终实现两大集团公司的发展战略目标贡献力量,核工业各成员单位已经进行了科学规划。为此,本刊特开辟“面向2020年”专栏,欢迎核工业各单位负责人踊跃投稿,围绕集团公司本世纪头20年的发展,谈一下本单位发展的目标、措施和建议。 With the country’s strategic goal of “concentrating its efforts and building a well-to-do society at a higher level that will benefit billions of people in the first two decades of this century”, in the first two decades of this century, it has become a must- Great success as an important strategic opportunity. As an important part of the country’s economic construction, both CNNC and CNNC have formulated medium- and long-term development goals by 2020. Zhong Zhi by the Changfeng, Albert Hing heart. The strategic objectives of the two major group companies in the nuclear industry must be relied upon by the joint efforts of their member units. How to focus on the development goals of the group company, grasp such a golden opportunity, solve many problems in development, realize the rise of its own economy, and contribute to the ultimate realization of the strategic goals of the two major group companies. All members of the nuclear industry have already carried out The scientific planning. To this end, we hereby open up a column entitled “Toward 2020” and welcome the responsible persons of all units of the nuclear industry to submit their contributions actively. Talking about the development of the Group Company in the first two decades of this century, we will talk about the objectives, measures and suggestions for the development of this unit.
目的探讨不同浓度绞股蓝皂苷(GPs)对体外培养的神经前体细胞(NPCs)增殖能力的影响。方法从孕14 d大鼠胚胎端脑分离NPCs,体外贴壁培养7 d传代。传代第1代细胞培养3 d,免疫荧光