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每到四五月份便是紫藤盛开的时候,那点点紫色在风中舞动时好似一个个欢快的小精灵。紫色是最梦幻的颜色,走近紫藤花,就好像走进了仙境,让人把最美的记忆留在了那里……潘老师是我们的语文老师,她是一个严谨而不失亲切的人。她常常在课间搂着我们跟我们聊天,虽然说的只是家常话,但从眼神中可以看出她对我们十分关心。每到初夏,同学们做完课间操便会大汗淋漓,于是潘老师经常招呼同学们到书廊 Every April or May is when the wisteria is in full bloom, and the little purple is dancing like a cheerful elf in the wind. Purple is the most fantastic color, approached wisteria flowers, as if into a Wonderland, leaving the most beautiful memories left there ... Pan is our language teacher, she is a rigorous yet cordial person. She often hugged us to chat with us during the lesson. Although it was only a homemade phrase, she could see from the eyes she was very concerned about us. Every early summer, classmates will sweat after class, so Pan often greets classmates to the bookstore
Despite serotonin's and FMRF-amide's wide distribution in the nervous system of invertebrates and their importance as neurotransmitters,the exact roles
Masu salmon,Oncorhynchus masou masou,is one of the most valuable fishery species that has been introduced to China,though to date no studies on the genetic dive
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心理物理学研究提示, 初级视区毁损后的视觉残留可能是通过外纹状皮层的神经网络重组介导的, 但缺少支持这一假说的电生理实验证据。采用在体细胞外单细胞记录技术, 该研究分
Identifying the life-history strategies of fish and their associations with the surrounding environment is the basic foundation in the conservation and sustaina