1996年12月~1997年2月对国产盐酸格雷西龙进行了临床随机双盲研究,现报告如下。材料和方法1 病例选择试验共入选30例,其中肺癌14例,肝癌7例,大肠癌4例,胃癌3例,骨肉瘤2例。患者按随机双盲对照试验法分为2组,试验组用国产盐酸格雷西龙(枢星),对照组用进口盐酸格雷西龙(康泉)。
From December 1996 to February 1997, we conducted a clinical randomized double-blind study on domestic Grenachel hydrochloride. The report is as follows. MATERIALS AND METHODS A total of 30 patients were enrolled in this study, including 14 lung cancer, 7 liver cancer, 4 colorectal cancer, 3 gastric cancer and 2 osteosarcoma. The patients were divided into two groups according to a randomized, double-blind controlled trial. Patients in the test group were treated with domestic groscil hydrochloride (control group) and control group with grenachel hydrochloride (Kangquan).