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这位原名萨缪尔·兰亨·克莱曼斯(SamuelLanghorne Clemens)的默默无闻的人,就是以响亮的笔名马克,吐温(Mark Twain1835—1910)蜚声于世而被公认为杰出的大作家。他是一位多产的作家,又是一位幽默大师。他昂着在乱蓬蓬头发掩盖下的一个清醒的头脑,一撮微微翘起的胡子上面两只闪光的眼睛,脸上露出温和的微笑。眺望着这个扰扰攘攘的世界,长日里若有所思,不时地拿起笔来书写——他:是漫画家笔底下地地道道的一副幽默大师的样儿! The unknown, formerly known as Samuel Langhorne Clemens, was recognized as an illustrious writer by the powerful pen name Mark Twain (1835-1910). He is a prolific writer and master of humor. He wore a sober mind covered in puffed hair, a handful of twinkling eyes above his slightly beard, a gentle smile on his face. Looked at this bustling world, thoughtful from day to day, picked up the pen to write - he: a cartoonist under the floor of a humorous masters of the sample!