在影片《净土》里有一个县文化馆员叫陆小凤的角色,戏不多,但她明眸皓齿,端庄秀丽,表演自然,含蓄,给人留下了较深的印象。她是谁?原来她是西双版纳勐海县勐遮乡的一位傣族农民姑娘,名叫玉坦。玉坦这个没受过任何专业训练的农村姑娘当上电影演员,是怎样迈步的呢? 记得那是一九八一年八月的一天,西双版纳勐海县的县城大街两旁,挤满了堆放着各种农产品的小摊儿,街道上各族群众熙熙攘攘,热闹异常。忽然几个拿照相机的人,跟着一个肩挑担子的傣族姑娘追着拍照,那姑娘害羞得红了脸,忙不迭地向前跑去。拍照的人又急忙抢到姑娘的前面去,想从更好的角度抢拍几张。但姑娘十分害臊,索兴把头低着向人群中挤
In the film “Pure Land” there is a county cultural librarian called Lu Xiaofeng’s role, not much drama, but she bright eyes white teeth, dignified and beautiful, performing naturally, implicitly, leaving a deep impression. Who is she? It turned out that she is a native of Xishuangbanna Menghai Township Meng peasant girl, named Yutan. Jade Tan, a country girl who has not received any professional training, was a film actress. What happened? Remember that on August 1, 1981, on both sides of the county town of Menghai County in Xishuangbanna, Small agricultural products stalls, the streets of all ethnic groups bustling, bustling. Suddenly a few people with the camera, followed by a Dai girl carrying a shoulder chasing pictures, the girl shy blush, rush to run forward. Photographed people hurriedly grabbed the girl in front of, want to grab a few more from a better perspective. However, the girl is very damaging, Sochi bowed down to the crowded crowd