On the wall of the writer Sun Li’s house, there was a painting of the ”desert“ of Wu Zuoren’s painting. On the screen, three camels are drawn: one is near view and the other is distant view. Speaking of these three camels, there is a story about it! That was when Zhang Geng and Jin Mei, editor of Hebei Literature, visited the Tianjin Daily Dormitory in Tianjin in 1963 to visit Mr. Sun Li. When talking about the artwork published on the cover of Hebei Literature, Sun Li praised and affirmed his enthusiasm and showed his love for Wu Zuoren’s paintings. He said: ”Although Mr. Wu is a native of Western painting, the use of Chinese ink and brush is also very old-fashioned, his style is elegant and his book style is very rich.“ Art editor Zhang Geng and Wu Zuoren are many years at the turn of a year, and happily say: ”If Mr. like Mr. Wu’s paintings, I can convey your point, please draw a picture