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南京九月的阳光依然炙热,却挡不住开学的脚步。开学第一课,考虑到信息技术课程的特殊性,和之前了解到的本地小学好多时候学生是不上信息技术课的情况,我没有安排新课,而是先分小组安排座位,然后把学生机房的管理要求和机器的使用注意事项等按部就班地讲清楚;然后借助机房FTP和极域电子教室的条件穿插做了新生问卷调查、开展了打字竞赛、提交作业竞赛等一些小活动,不仅展示了信息技术的优势,而且也对学生进行了 Nanjing in September the sun is still hot, but can not stop the pace of school. The first lesson of the school, taking into account the particularity of information technology courses, and previously learned that many local primary school students are not on the information technology class, I did not arrange a new class, but first sub-group seating arrangements, and then the students Machine room management requirements and machine precautions etc step by step to make it clear; and then through the engine room FTP and polar domain electronic classroom conditions interspersed did a new survey, carried out the typing contest, submitted a job contest and other small activities, not only demonstrated The advantages of information technology, but also for students
摘 要:在新课程不断深入改革的今天,小学科学的教学方式演变的越来越多,传统的讲授制已经逐渐被教育的洪流所淘汰,转而的是以学生为根本的素质教育。而且小学时期是学生获取知识的重要时期,也是他们性格和习惯即将养成的重要阶段,因此小学科学教师要坚持从学生的兴趣入手,提高他们对于科学实验课堂教学的专注度,为其未来的学习发展打下坚实的基础。  关键词:新课改;小学科学;实验教学;改革探究  小学科学教师要坚持