结肠假性梗阻是一类无机械性因素引起的结肠梗阻,其起因至今仍不甚明了,可能与支配结肠的自主神经失衡有关。该病的病残率和死亡率颇高,迄今为止结肠镜减压和外科手术仍是其唯一的治疗方法。此研究旨在评价在急性结肠假性梗阻中早期应用新斯的明的疗效。 病人和方法:一年内经临床和腹部平片确诊为急性结肠假性梗阻的11例患者纳入研究,在心电监护下将2.5mg新斯的明溶于100ml生理盐水中,在1小时内经静脉滴完。若给药2小时内无效,则再给予相同剂量的新斯的明。若仍无效,则行结肠镜减压。
Colonic pseudoobstruction is a type of mechanical obstruction caused by the colon, the cause is still unclear, may be related to autonomic imbalance in the control of the colon. The morbidity and mortality of the disease is high, so far colonoscopy decompression and surgery remains the only treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the early use of neostigmine in the treatment of acute colonic pseudoobstruction. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Eleven patients with clinical diagnosis of acute colonic pseudo- obstruction by clinical and abdominal plain radiography within a year were included in the study. 2.5 mg of neostigmine was dissolved in 100 ml of normal saline under electrocardiographic monitoring and intravenously dripped within 1 hour Finish. If the administration is invalid within 2 hours, then given the same dose of neostigmine. If still invalid, the colonoscopy decompression.