A 14-year-old child in our hospital taking midecamycin for two days a total of 1.6 grams, causing gastrointestinal bleeding, are reported below. Male child suffering, 14 years old. Sick throat day, T38.7 ℃, pharyngeal mild congestion, tonsil does not enlarge. Diagnosis of the flu. To oral Bupleurum injection 3, twice a day for a total of one day; midecamycin 0.2 grams, four times a day. Two days after the upper abdomen discomfort, nausea and vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea, 3 to 4 times daily. Oral metoclopramide nausea disappeared and diarrhea as before, asphalt, abdominal tenderness, fecal occult blood (+++). Consider the gastrointestinal bleeding caused by midecamycin, immediate withdrawal, diet control, rehydration, use of cimetidine, hemostatic, etc., stop bleeding after three days, fecal occult blood (-), symptoms disappear and heal. Midecamycin for the first time, after serving that gastrointestinal disease