Namibia, formerly known as Southwest Africa, was originally occupied by southwestern Africa. Historically, it has been invaded by Portuguese, Dutch, British and German colonists since the 15th century. It became a German colony in the late 19th century and was called Southwest Africa and later annexed by South Africa. The Namibian people, persisting in protracted struggle, finally made a resolution by the UN General Assembly on June 12, 1968, to rename Southwest Africa Namibia according to the wishes of the local people and announced the independence of the Republic of Namibia on March 21, 1990. With a land area of 820,000 square kilometers and a population of over 1.8 million (2002), most of the territory is a large plains formed by crystalline rocks. Rich in mineral resources, Namibia is the fourth largest mineral country in Africa and is rich in diamond, uranium, Aluminum, lead, zinc and other minerals, Africa is the largest producer of aluminum and the third largest producer of zinc, so enjoy the “strategic metal reserve” reputation. The mining industry is the country’s largest industrial sector with an annual output value accounting for about 40% of the gross domestic product.