
来源 :鲁迅研究月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xxf103000
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2010年秋天开始,笔者在台湾的清华大学开了一门“鲁迅选读”的课程,为通识教育中核心通识课程之一。通识教育意在培育学生独立思考、能认识自身专业以外的学科,将不同的知识融会贯通的能力。台湾清华大学通识中心,将学生应修的核心通识规划为七 The fall of 2010, the author opened a “Lu Xun reading” course at Tsinghua University in Taiwan, one of the core general education courses in general education. General education is intended to foster students’ ability to think independently, recognize subjects other than their major, and integrate different kinds of knowledge. Tsinghua University, Taiwan General Knowledge Center, the students should be revised core general plan of seven