一座千米立井的贯通,拉开了新汶矿区向深部煤田进军的序幕。深部开采的一个关键工程,就是开拓一条国内千米井下少有的中枢大巷——孙村矿-800东大巷。 这条长1070米、断面为21.84平方米的光爆锚喷大巷,已于今年3月28日竣工通车。正常施工需要18个月,实际只用11个月,节约费用70万元,被上级验收评定为优质品。
The opening of a kilometre of shafts opened the prelude to the march of the Xinwen Mining Area to the deep coal fields. One of the key projects for deep mining is to develop a large central road, the Suncun Mine-800 East Main Lane, which is rarely found in the country. The 1,070-meter-long, light-expanded anchor-and-spoke lane with a section of 21.70 square meters was completed and opened to traffic on March 28 this year. It takes 18 months for normal construction and only 11 months for actual use. It saves costs by 700,000 yuan and is evaluated by superiors as high quality products.