上海蚊虫的种类,1922年据Larmban氏报告有5种。1929年Macarthus氏报告有11种。Roberren氏及胡梅基氏在上海高桥研究蚊虫种类,又报告为12种,其中AedesVexans为前人所未报告。1931年冯兰洲氏在上海吴淞采得Mansonsia Unif ormis。1938年冯氏在总结我国蚊虫种类时,曾记载Giles报告,上海有Aedes aegypti惟冯氏在1931年曾疑惑上海是否有此蚊虫。综合前人的研究结果,在此基础上,我站从1953~1991年分别在全市各区、县以定点和散在性系统采集,广泛收集成蚊、幼虫、卵标本,携回实验室饲养、分类,鉴定其结果,共采获蚊虫计5属24种,现整理报告如下:
Shanghai mosquito species, 1922 According to Larmban’s report there are 5 species. 1929 Macarthus reports 11 kinds. Roberren’s and Hu Meiji’s research on mosquito species in Shanghai Gaoqiao was reported as 12 species, of which AedesVexans was never reported before. In 1931, Feng Lanzhou’s Mansonsia Unif ormis was taken at Shanghai Wusong. In 1938, when Feng concluded the types of mosquitoes in our country, he recorded the Giles report and Aedes aegypti in Shanghai. However, in 1931, Feng had wondered if this mosquito was present in Shanghai. Based on the previous research findings, based on this, I collected from a number of fixed-point and dispersive systems in various districts and counties of the whole city from 1953 to 1991 and collected adult mosquitoes, larvae and eggs, , Identification of the results, a total of 24 species of mosquitoes counted 5 genera and 24 kinds, the report is collated as follows: