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塔里木石油勘探开发指挥部,作为中国石油天然气总公司的派出机构,是代表国家投资主体的总甲方。其主要职责是承坦塔里木石油勘探开发项目的任务指标和投资效益、决策投资方向、勘探开发部署和生产经营等重大问题。按照“油公司”管理模式,指挥部不组建施工作业队伍,主要配备研究、管理和运行队伍:一是综合研究队伍,建立了勘探、开发、钻井三个研究机构,并与石油科学研究院和大多数石油企业、科研院所建立了比较密切的科研协作关系,主要承担勘探开发技术攻关和制定勘探开发部署的技术参谋部职能;二是经 Tarim Petroleum Exploration and Development Command, as the China National Petroleum Corporation sent the agency, is the main part of the national investment on behalf of the party. Its main responsibility is Cheng Tantam oil exploration and development project mission indicators and investment returns, investment decision-making direction, exploration and development deployment and production and management and other major issues. In accordance with the “oil company” management mode, the headquarters do not set up construction operations team, equipped with research, management and operation team: First, a comprehensive research team, the establishment of the exploration, development, drilling three research institutions, and Oil Research Institute and Most petroleum enterprises and research institutes have established relatively close cooperation in scientific research and are mainly responsible for the technical exploration of exploration and development and the development of technical staff for exploration and deployment;
研究了用氟离子选择性电极测定铜基合金中微量铝的方法。本法操作简单 ,且干扰元素少。将此法应用于不同种类铜基合金中微量铝的测定 ,获得满意的结果。 A method for the d
The retention behaviors of benzene and its alkyl homologues in microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography were investigated in both anionic and cationic surfac
地化 -气测综合录井仪是将地化、气测两种成熟的技术有机地结合在一起的仪器 ,地化 ,气测数据在同一软件下运行 ,可达到技术互补的优势。克服了录井方法录取资料单一片面的缺
The film diffusion mass-transfer process of adsorption of phenol on macroporous polystyrene resin was investigated in detail In order to revise the Boyd film di
近日,海外媒体曝光了雪铁龙改款C3的官方图片。雪铁龙C3是2008年夏季在欧洲和拉丁美洲上市的小型MPV,预计改款C3将亮相于9月开幕的巴黎国际车展。  外观方面,雪铁龙C3中期改款版将换上全新设计的车头进气格栅和前保险杠,大灯下部加入LED日间行车灯,车外后视镜罩采用镀铬装饰。圆与方、力量与魅力很好地在C3毕加索的身上体现了出来,这些原本特性迥异的元素在雪铁龙娴熟、创新技术的演绎下完美融合,使其