
来源 :中国延安干部学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzmaazhu
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非公有制经济组织是社会管理的重要领域,也是加强和创新社会管理的重要力量。在创新和加强社会管理中,非公有制企业党组织发挥作用的途径和方法是,引导企业依法生产经营,做好思想政治工作,构建和谐劳动关系,畅通员工诉求表达渠道和协同做好企业综合治理。为非公有制企业党组织充分发挥作用创造良好外部环境,需要在非公企业中,尽早明确党组织功能定位,不断扩大党组织工作覆盖,加强经营管理者队伍建设、“红色CEO”和党员人才队伍建设、服务型基层党组织建设,以加强流动党员管理服务带动外来人员管理服务,完善与社会管理相关政策法规。 Non-public economic organizations are an important area of ​​social management and an important force for strengthening and innovating social management. In the process of innovation and strengthening social management, the ways and means to play a role in the party organizations of non-public-owned enterprises are to guide the enterprises to produce and manage business according to law, to do a good job in ideological and political work, to establish a harmonious labor relationship, to smooth the channels of employee appeals and to coordinate well with the comprehensive management of enterprises . To give full play to the role of party organizations in non-public-owned enterprises and create a favorable external environment, it is necessary to clarify the functional orientation of the party organizations in non-public enterprises as early as possible, continuously expand the coverage of the party organizations, strengthen the building of the ranks of managers, and red CEOs and party members Talent team building, service-based grassroots party organizations to enhance the management of mobile party members to bring in management services to migrants, improve the social management-related policies and regulations.
目的:观察穴位注射配合耳压治疗原发性痛经患者的临床疗效及其对原发性痛经患者生殖内分泌、前列腺素的影响,探讨穴位注射配合耳压对原发性痛经的作用机理。 方法:选择年