近10年来我国史学理论的研究与历史学的其它学科相比较,取得了长足的发展:培养了老中青相结合的一支研究队伍,出版了一大批史学理论研究成果,在高等学校培养并形成了一批史学理论(概论)教学骨干,出版了十几部《史学概论》教材,在高等学校历史专业普遍开设了“史学概论”课程。 我们回顾一下近几十年的历史就可以清楚:在普遍恢复与开设“史学概论”这一课程之前,在高等学校历史专业几乎就没有“史学理论”学科的地位,近10多年来我国史学理论研
Compared with other disciplines in history, the research on the theory of history in the past 10 years has made great strides: a research team combining old, middle and young has been cultivated, a large number of research achievements have been published in history, Formed a number of backbone of the history of theory (Introduction) teaching, published a dozen “Introduction to History” textbook, history in colleges and universities generally opened a “History of the Introduction” course. Before reviewing the course of “Introduction to History”, there is almost no place for history major in colleges and universities. The history of our country in recent 10 years research