莲藕(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.),又名荷藕,为睡莲科莲属多年生宿根大型水生草本植物。其地下茎前端膨大称藕,能食用,叶可入药,莲子为上乘补品,花可供观赏。“接天莲叶无穷碧,映月荷花别样红”,莲藕不仅可美化环境,供人欣赏,而且是一种很有经济价值的水生蔬菜。
The lotus root (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.), Also known as lotus root, is a large perennial perennial Nymphoides aquatic herb. Its underground stem swelling front said lotus root, can eat, leaves can be used as medicine, lotus seeds for superior supplements, flowers for viewing. “The infinite lotus leaf sky, moon lotus, different kind of red,” lotus root not only landscaping, for people to enjoy, but also a very economic value of aquatic vegetables.