蚕豆赤斑病又称灰霉病,是我国南方蚕豆的主要病害,发生普遍,影响产量很大。 病状 叶上病征最为显著,有两种类型。第一型为赤褐斑点型(缓进型),初期呈现灰褐色点状病斑,中央褐色,边缘赤褐色,稍稍隆起,与健全部有明显界限,直径1—3毫米。多时一叶上有60个左右病斑,但不能产生孢子。第二型为灰黑枯死型(急进型),多发生于老叶上,病斑大而不定形,有时全叶枯死。在适宜的温湿条件下,病斑上形成鼠灰色分生孢子层。待叶片腐烂后,偶而产生菌核。在江西的气候条件下,这两型病斑的发生规律:3月以前(10℃以下),只发生第一型病征,3月下旬
Broad bean red spot, also known as gray mold disease, is the main disease of broad bean in southern China, occurs generally, affecting a great yield. Disease symptoms on the leaves of the most significant, there are two types. The first type of brown spot type (slow-type), the initial gray spots brown spot, central brown, margin brown, slightly elevated, and the Ministry has obvious boundaries, diameter 1-3 mm. There are about 60 lesions on a leaf, but can not produce spores. The second type is gray-black dead type (radical type), occurred in the old leaves, spot large and amorphous, sometimes full-blown dead. In the appropriate temperature and humidity conditions, the formation of mouse gray conidia layer. To be leaf decay, occasionally produce sclerotia. In Jiangxi climate conditions, the occurrence of these two types of lesions: before March (below 10 ℃), only the first type of symptoms, late March