中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis Cray)隶属鲟形目、鲟科,在生态类群中属河海洄游鱼类,主要分布于我国长江,也见于渤海(烟台)、黄河下游、钱塘江、闽江及珠江等水域。白鲟(Psephurus gladius Martens)隶属鲟形目、白鲟科,也是一种河海洄游性鱼类,主要分布在长江水系中,自四川宜宾至江苏崇明,有时见于大型湖泊(如洞庭湖)。对于这两种我国特有、珍稀、大型的经济鱼类的形态,解剖、地理分布及生态等方面许多研究者曾作过大量的工作,积累了系统的资料(张春霖1928、伍献文1929、伍献文等1963年、四川省长江水产资源调查研究组1973、四川省长江水产资源调查研
Acipenser sinensis Cray belongs to the order of sturgeon, sturgeon, which belongs to river migratory fish in ecological groups, mainly distributed in the Yangtze River in China, but also in the Bohai Sea (Yantai), the lower Yellow River, Qiantang River, Minjiang River and Pearl River Waters. Psephurus gladius Martens belong to the order of sturgeon, white sturgeon and a kind of river-sea migratory fish, which are mainly distributed in the Yangtze River system, from Yibin in Sichuan to Chongming in Jiangsu, and sometimes in large lakes such as Dongting Lake. Many researchers have done a great deal of work on the morphology, anatomy, geographical distribution and ecology of these two endemic, rare and large-scale economic fish in China and have accumulated systematic data (Zhang Chunlin 1928, Wu Xianwen 1929, Wu Xianwen 1963 Year, Sichuan Province Yangtze River Fishery Resources Investigation and Research Group 1973, Sichuan Province Yangtze River Fishery Resources Survey