患者,男,85岁。1983年10月感颈部活动受限、双手发麻、血压140/90,诊断为“颈椎病”。1984年7月腹胀、腹钝痛,出现“腹水”。同年10月出现寒战、高热、咳黄痰、痰中偶带血丝,血压200~230/90~110,WBC 8,800,Hb 8.4g/。尿蛋白(++)~(+44)、
Patient, male, 85 years old. In October 1983 the neck movement is limited, numb hands, blood pressure 140/90, diagnosed as “cervical spondylosis.” July 1984 bloating, abdominal dull pain, there “ascites.” In the same year in October there chills, fever, cough and phlegm, sputum even with bloodshot eyes, blood pressure 200 ~ 230/90 ~ 110, WBC 8,800, Hb 8.4g /. Urine protein (++) ~ (+44),