《启示》(APOCALYPTO)配乐:詹姆斯·霍纳(JAMES HORNER)发行公司:HOLL YWOOD RERECORDS版本:美版唱片编号:D000015802《启示》是凭《勇敢的心》一片而获得1995年奥斯卡和金球奖最佳导演及2004年以《受难记》获得全球超过6亿美元的金像导演梅尔·吉勃逊2006年的最新巨作,影片以文明与野蛮并存的玛雅帝
APOCALYPTO Soundtrack: JAMES HORNER Distribution firm: HOLL YWOOD RERECORDS Version: US version discography number: D000015802 “Revelation” is the “Braveheart” won the 1995 Oscars and the Golden Globes Best director and in 2004, “Passion” won the world’s more than 600 million US dollars of gold as the director Mel Gilbert’s latest masterpiece in 2006, the film is a civilized and barbaric Mayan Emperor