现代生活的压力,像空气一样挤压着我们。有人可能是因为怀才不遇,有人会因为与老板的关系不融洽,也有人是因为工作弦绷得过紧,心灵总是背负着压力。此外,竞争、住房、子女教育、单位效益、人际关系,反正在你头脑中能想像范围内的,均可列在压力的单子上。那么,现代人应怎样学会排遣生活压力呢? 消除负面因素让我们设定一个最常见的例
The pressure of modern life, squeezing us like the air. Someone may not be pregnant, someone will not get along well with the boss, or because someone is overworked with strings, and the mind is always under pressure. In addition, competition, housing, children’s education, unit effectiveness, interpersonal relationships, anyway, can be imagined in your mind, can be listed on the pressure of the list. So, how should modern people learn to pressure life? Elimination of negative factors Let us set a most common example