盛泽汽车修配厂是近年来发展壮大起来的港口三产企业。她是由原盛泽港务作业区机修车间的一个机修小组起家的。起家之初,仅有5名人员,3000元流动资金。12年时间的发展,现已拥有26名职工、2649m~2厂房和2700m~2场地、400万元固定资产、80万元流动资产,成为吴江市港务系统的佼佼者。 探究盛泽汽车修配厂崛起的原因。厂长王福观概括为:靠团结,靠艰苦拼搏的干劲。 1 12年前,原盛泽港务作业区机修车间机修小组的5名人员靠着3000元流动资金,开始对外挂牌承接修理业务,迈上了求索之路。 资金少,就靠修车去挣;设备简单,就土法上马;室内场地缺乏,就顶烈日,冒严寒,露天作业。 在他们中间,没有领导和职工之分。一样地钻上爬下,一样地油渍满身,一样地汗流浃背。厂领导白天没有时间商讨,只能在每天晚上碰头,一起研究大大小小的事务。如果遇到加班加点,就得夜以继日。在最初的创业阶段,为抢时间,争客户,修车到零点是经常性的事,有时甚至要到凌晨2点。
Shengze Auto Repair Factory is growing in recent years, three ports in the port business. She started from a mechanic team in the original mechanized shop in Shengze Port Operation Zone. Start from the beginning, only 5 staff, 3,000 yuan working capital. In the past 12 years, the company now has 26 employees, 2649m ~ 2 workshops and 2700m ~ 2 venues, 4 million yuan in fixed assets and 800,000 yuan of liquid assets. It has become the leader in port system of Wujiang City. Explore the rise of Shengze car repair factory reasons. Director Wang Fuguan summarized as: by solidarity, hard-working by hard work. 1212 years ago, the original staff of Shengzhou Port Machinery repair shop mechanic team of 5 members rely on 3,000 yuan of liquidity, began listing to undertake repair business, to the search for the road. Less money, to rely on the car to earn; equipment is simple, the local law launched; lack of indoor space, on the top of the hot day, take cold, open-air homework. Among them, there is no division between leadership and staff. Drill down the same, the same oil covered, the same sweat. The factory leader does not have time to discuss during the day and can only meet every night to study the affairs of all sizes. If you experience overtime, you have to day and night. In the initial stage of entrepreneurship, it was a recurring task to rush for time and compete for customers. It was not until 2 am, sometimes to repair a car to zero.