龋齿是影响人类健康的最常见的口腔科(尤其是儿牙科)疾病,本文作者选用氟化泡沫(其主要成份为酸性氟磷酸盐凝胶,英文缩写APFI)防龋,取得较好效果。 1 资料来源 选择1996年~1997年到我院就治的3~12岁儿童272人,男127人,女145人;其中3~6岁123人,6~9岁95人,9~12岁54人。采用单盲法随机分组,每个年龄组均按就诊的先后顺序编号,奇数号为实验组,偶数号为对照组。 2 实验方法 2.1 实验组:除对就诊儿童急需治疗的牙病进行正规治疗外,同时选用美国进口的氟化泡沫(含氟为1.23%的APFI)。使用前先漱口,清洁牙面,用气枪将牙面吹干,将装有适量氟化泡沫的塑料托放
Dental caries is the most common dental disease (especially dental problems) affecting human health. The author chose fluorinated foam (the main component is acid fluorophosphate gel, abbreviation APFI) to prevent caries and achieve good results. 1 Source Selection From 1996 to 1997 to our hospital on governance of children aged 3 to 12, 272, male 127, female 145; of which 123 were 3 to 6 years old, 6 to 9 years old 95, 9 to 12 years old 54 people. Randomized by single-blind method, each age group according to the order of treatment numbers, odd numbers for the experimental group, even number for the control group. 2 Experimental methods 2.1 Experimental group: In addition to the formal treatment of dental disease in children in urgent need of treatment, while the United States imports of fluorinated foam (fluorine 1.23% APFI). Rinse mouth before use, clean the tooth surface, dry the tooth surface with an air gun, place a plastic container with an appropriate amount of fluorinated foam