在改革中,分场成为农场派出机构的独立包干核算实体。做为分场的场长如何为人民掌好权,用好权,带领职工面向商品市场求得生存和发展呢?我的体会是: (一)既要身正言信,又要心诚公正中国有句古话:“其身正,不令而行,其身不正,虽令不从”。作为一个分场场长首先要清正公平,不以权谋私。群众相信你。才能团结在你的周围。言要有信。古人说:“言而无信是犬也”。在行使职权中,一旦经过深思熟虑果断拍板后,就要一抓到底,切忌朝令夕改,也决不能为了讨好上级或取悦群众而放弃原则,更不能碰到钉子而搁浅、抛锚。对实施中出现的七嘴八舌,要认真分析,一个个地梳理、解决。解决不了的就解释,动之以情,晓之以理。只有这样,你讲的话才有人听,才有号召力,有鼓动性,群众才服你、信你。你才能虽处
During the reform, the sub-branch became an independent contract-and-check accounting entity dispatched by farms. As the field of sub-field how to control the power for the people, with the right to lead the workers for the survival of the commodity market and development? My experience is: (a) both correct and honest, but also honest and fair China There is an old saying: “The body is correct, not acting, the body is not correct, though not from.” As a separate field chief must first be fair and honest, not for personal gain. The people believe you. To unite around you. Words have a letter. The ancients said: “Words without words are dogs.” In exercising their authority, once they have taken a decisive and deliberative course of action, they should grasp the truth once they are arrested and they should not give up their posts and change their ways. They should never give up principles to please superiors or please the masses, and should not run into nails and run aground. Appear in the implementation of rushes, we must carefully analyze, one by one sort out and solve. Can not solve the explanation, moving in love, dawn to reason. Only in this way can you listen to people only when you speak, to have an appeal and encouragement, to serve the masses and to trust you. You can not though