大部分公司都清楚,要想在数字经济中竞争,就必须适应和发展。然而,单单提到“数字化转型”(digital transformation)这个词,就会让最老到的管理者和企业领导者颇感焦虑和畏惧。他们的担心有充分的理由。技术让消费者的移动化、社交化和连通化达到了空前水平,进而改变了他们彼此之间以及他们与产品、服务和企业互动和联系的方式。因此,数字化转型为创新提供了引人入胜的新机会。但是,它也加强了“数字达尔文
Most companies know that in order to compete in the digital economy, they must adapt and grow. However, simply mentioning the word ”digital transformation“ will give the most senior managers and business leaders an anxiety and fear. There are good reasons for their concern. Technology has brought consumers to the highest levels of mobility, socialization and connectivity, changing the way they interact with each other and with their products, services and businesses. As a result, digital transformation offers new and exciting opportunities for innovation. However, it also reinforces ”Digital Darwin."