Stimuli-responsive polymeric materials for human health applications

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Stimuli-responsive polymers have the extraordinary ability to change their physical and/or chemical state after they‘‘detect’’a change in their environment;their response depends dramatically on their chemical composition.This property has been used for a plethora of applications;this review highlights their utility for human health.Specifically,this review will highlight efforts in the areas of sensing and biosensing,antimicrobial/antifouling coatings,tissue engineering and regenerative medicine,and drug delivery.Specific examples are given in each of these areas,with some focus on our work engineering poly(Nisopropylacrylamide)-based microgels and other responsive systems. Stimuli-responsive polymers have the extraordinary ability to change their physical and / or chemical state after they’detect’’a change in their environment; their response depends dramatically on their chemical composition. This property has been used for a plethora of applications; this review highlights their utility for human health. Specifically, this review will highlight efforts in the areas of sensing and biosensing, antimicrobial / antifouling coatings, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, and drug delivery. Specific examples are given in each of these areas, with some focus on our work engineering poly (Nisopropylacrylamide) -based microgels and other responsive systems.
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