去年10月,秋高气爽,丹桂飘香,这是江城武汉一年中最好的季节。海峡两岸关系协会会长汪道涵、常务副会长唐树备一行风尘仆仆,由四川顺江而下,来湖北考察台资企业,看望台商。 汪道涵、唐树备来湖北的消息不胫而走。“汪会长来看我们了!”台胞们奔走相告。 自李登辉大搞“两个中国”、“一中一台”,特别是去年6月到美国进行所谓“私人访问”后,海峡两岸关系骤然紧张。 台湾同胞对此十分敏感,特别是来大陆投资的台商,更是担心目前海峡两岸关系的变化,会影响到他们的切身利益。
In October last year, the autumn season, Dan Gui fragrance, this is Jiangcheng Wuhan the best season of the year. Wang Daohan, president of the Association for Relations across the Taiwan Strait, and Tang Shubei, executive vice president of the Taiwan Straits Association, came to visit the Taiwanese-funded enterprises in Hubei and visited Taiwanese companies. Wang Daohan and Tang Shubei came to Hubei and the news spread wildly. “Mr. Wang came to see us!” The Taiwan compatriots rushed and told each other. Since Lee Teng-hui has vigorously engaged in “two Chinas” and “one China, one Taiwan”, especially after he went to the United States to conduct so-called “private visits” in June last year, cross-strait relations have suddenly become tense. Taiwan compatriots are very sensitive to this issue. Taiwanese businessmen investing in mainland China, in particular, are worried that changes in cross-strait relations will affect their immediate interests.