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本文旨在通过对中国当下广告从业人员的称谓的分析,进一步研究探索中国当下广告从业人员的社会地位。并由此入手,展开分析形成这种社会地位的各方原因,以及应对的具体措施方法。本文采用了社会现象分析方法,对于当下的广告从业人员的称谓现象进行详尽分析。最后得出,“广告人”这一称谓中包含着中国广告从业人员地位较为低下,不被社会广泛认可等事实。并进一步提出完善广告行业、提过广告从业人员自身素质、加大对于广告行业的普及教育力度等方面的应对措施。 The purpose of this paper is to further study and explore the social status of current advertising practitioners in China by analyzing the appellations of current Chinese advertising practitioners. And start from this, start to analyze the reasons for forming all kinds of social status, as well as the specific measures to deal with. This article uses the social phenomenon analysis method, carries on the exhaustive analysis to the current appellation phenomenon of the advertisement practitioner. Finally, the title of “Advertisers” includes the fact that the position of Chinese advertising practitioners is relatively low and not widely recognized by society. And further proposed to improve the advertising industry, mentioned the quality of their own advertising practitioners, increase the advertising industry for universal education efforts and other aspects of the response.
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