关贸总协定第八轮全球贸易谈判—乌拉圭回合于1993年12月15日达成最后文件,并于1994年4月15日由参予谈判的的117个参加方在摩洛哥的马拉喀什正式签署协议。待缔约国的立法机构审后,协议于1995年7月正式生效。 乌拉圭回合谈判可以说是GATT历史上最艰难、最全面、最复杂的多边谈判,历时长达7年之久。最后文本包括45个文件,厚达550页。最后文件的主要成果概括起来是:关税平均削减1/3,全球平均关
The final round of the GATT round 8 of the Global Trade Negotiations - the Uruguay Round was finalized on December 15, 1993 and signed on April 15, 1994 by the 117 participants participating in the negotiations in Marrakesh, Morocco protocol. After the State party’s legislature reviewed, the agreement entered into force in July 1995. The Uruguay Round negotiations can be described as the most difficult, most comprehensive, and most complex multilateral negotiations in the history of GATT, which lasted for as long as seven years. The final text includes 45 documents and is 550 pages thick. The main results of the final document are summarized as follows: the average tariff reduction by 1/3, the global average level