(一) “10、9、8、7……”“神舟”五号飞船发射进入倒计时。通过北京航天城指挥大厅的大屏幕,人们看见了中国第一位走向太空的航天员杨利伟的微笑。杨利伟缓缓举起右手,给期待他的人们敬了一个庄严的军礼。这是他进舱前向大家做的最后一个动作。火箭点火升空的一瞬间,杨利伟的妻子张玉梅,把一直紧盯着屏幕的眼睛挪开了。她说:“点火时,我太紧张了,心跳得太厉害了。我什么也没有想,什么也不能
(A) ”10,9,8,7 ...... “ ”Shenzhou “ Five spacecraft launched into the countdown. Through the big screen of Beijing Aerospace City Command Hall, people saw the smile of astronaut Yang Liwei, China’s first astronaut to space. Yang Weili slowly raised his right hand, to the people who expect him a solemn salute. This is the last move he made to everyone before he entered the cabin. Rockets fired off the moment, Yang Liwei’s wife Zhang Yumei, has been staring at the screen’s eyes away. She said: ”I was too nervous when I started to fire, and my heart beat so badly that I could not think and could not do anything