5、“CD—ROM”光盘版(ASFA)数据库检索服务ASFA(Aquatjc Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts)是联合国粮农组织与政府间海洋学委员会等国际组织和代表各地区的国家成员参加的水科学和渔业情报系统(ASFIS)向世界发行的一种刊物,分印刷版和电子版两种。在电子版中,自1986年起在磁带版的基础上增加了光盘版。ASFA 光盘与配备的检索软件和驱动器等硬件组成完整的 ASFA 光盘版数据库检索系统。
5. ASFA Database Retrieval Service (ASFA) ASFA (Aquatjc Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts) is a member of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstraction, a member of FAO and other international organizations such as IOC and member countries representing different regions System (ASFIS) issued to the world a publication, sub-print version and electronic version of two. In the electronic version, a CD-ROM has been added to the tape version since 1986. ASFA CD with the search software and drives and other hardware components complete ASFA CD-ROM database retrieval system.