今天 ,全国危险化学品管理标准化技术委员会正式成立了。这体现了国家标准化管理委员会、国务院有关部门、院校及有关单位对我国危险化学品管理标准化工作的高度重视 ,也标志着危险化学品管理标准化整体工作开始全面启动。在此 ,我代表国家标准化管理委员会对全国危险化学品管
Today, the National Standardization Technical Committee for Hazardous Chemicals Management was formally established. This shows that the State Standardization Management Committee, the State Council departments, institutions and relevant units of China’s hazardous chemicals management standardization of attention, but also marks the standardization of hazardous chemicals management of the overall work started. Here, I represent the National Standardization Management Committee on the National Hazardous Chemicals Management