卫生防疫费用需求及测算方法,主要研究的是县级卫生防疫站的常规费用和包括固定资产折旧费在内的总费用的需求及测算方法。卫生防疫站的人员、占地面积、办公楼建筑面积、仪器设备数量及价值,依据卫生部1996年颁发的县级卫生防疫站标准和1998年对河北省173个县级卫生防疫站进行分层抽样抽取的52个县级卫生防疫的有关数据进行核算的。测算出了县级一等卫生防疫站常规费用和总费用需求量。 1 测算相关数据 1.1 经调查和计算机统计
The requirements for health and epidemic prevention costs and methods of calculation are mainly related to the requirements for the general expenses of county-level health and epidemic prevention stations and the total expenses including the depreciation of fixed assets. The personnel, floor space, office building area, equipment and quantity and value of the health and epidemic prevention station were stratified according to the county-level sanitation and epidemic prevention station standards issued by the Ministry of Health in 1996 and 173 county-level sanitation and epidemic prevention stations in Hebei Province in 1998. Samples of 52 county-level health and epidemic prevention data were calculated. Measured the county-level health and epidemic prevention station general expenses and total cost requirements. 1 Measuring relevant data 1.1 After investigation and computer statistics