本人在多年的工程实践中发现 ,烧结普通砖砌体组砌方法存在一些问题 ,在一定程度上削弱了主体结构的抗震能力 ,同时直接影响工程质量的评定。为纠正这一问题 ,其组砌方法应做如下改进。《砌体工程施工质量验收规范》(GB50203 -2002)规定砖砌体应上下错缝、内外搭
In my years of engineering practice, I found that there are some problems with the masonry method for sintering ordinary brick masonry, which weakened the seismic resistance of the main structure to a certain extent and directly affected the assessment of the project quality. In order to correct this problem, the methods for constructing it should be improved as follows. “Masonry Construction Quality Acceptance Code” (GB50203-2002) provides that the brickwork should be up and down the wrong seam, ride inside and outside