Houston is the fourth largest city in the United States. In 2013, the city’s population was about 2.2 million, second only to New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. The urban area covers an area of about 1,500 square kilometers and the population density is only 1,400 people per square kilometer. The Greater Houston Metropolitan Area has a population of about 6.3 million and a land area of 23,000 square kilometers. Due to the low density of land development and the extremely scattered and heavily suburbanized population distribution, the average distance traveled by residents in Houston is extremely long, and the distribution of traffic volume in the morning and evening rush hour is seriously uneven. The urban public transport lags far behind. According to statistics, 71.7% of residents in Houston are driving alone to work. Being entirely car-based and low-load travel, Houston has had serious traffic congestion and high vehicle exhaust concentrations, making it one of the most traffic-jammed and air polluted cities in the United States.