PRADA手机和影像旗舰Viewty大获成功,无疑进一步激发了LG开发更多同类产品的热情。这次问世的KF700的主要特色是在延续PRADA手机的经典设计和装载3.0英寸高分辨率液晶屏的基础上,进一步强化了更便利的操作模式。不仅配备了滑盖式键盘,而且还在机身背面特别设计了快捷旋钮(Shortcut Dial),只要上下转动就能在菜单及功能间进行切换。此外,KF700还采用了全新设计的操作界面,用户可用手指接住屏幕再往左右拖曳,
PRADA mobile phone and video flagship Viewty great success, no doubt further inspired the enthusiasm of LG to develop more similar products. The main feature of this KF700 is the continuation of the PRADA phone’s classic design and loading 3.0-inch high-resolution LCD screen, based on further strengthening the more convenient mode of operation. Not only equipped with a sliding keyboard, but also in the back of the fuselage specially designed shortcuts (Shortcut Dial), just turn up and down to switch between menus and functions. In addition, KF700 also uses a new design of the user interface, the user can use your finger to catch the screen and then drag left and right,