2013年2月17日,河南省鹤壁市某中学高二(3)班学生刘某(女,17岁)在浚县人民医院被确诊为传染性肺结核病。市疾病预防控制中心接到报告后,为核实疫情,分析疫情三间分布特征和流行强度,探讨发病危险因素,提供控制疫情的科学依据,进行了现场调查,现将调查情况报道如下。1基本情况该中学位于鹤壁新区,行政管理隶属市教育局。该校为高、初中混合制中学,全校师生共4 440名,其
On February 17, 2013, Liu (female, 17 years old), a high school sophomore (Grade 3) student from a middle school in Hebi City, Henan Province, was diagnosed as infectious tuberculosis in Xun County People’s Hospital. After receiving the report, CDC conducted a field survey to verify the outbreak, analyze the three distributional characteristics and epidemic intensity of the outbreak, explore risk factors and provide a scientific basis for controlling the outbreak, and report the investigation as follows now. 1 Basic situation The middle school is located in Hebi New Area, administrative management under the Municipal Education Bureau. The school is high, mixed junior high school, school teachers and students altogether 4 440, its