沧海桑田:海军陆战队 此军偶为香港威龙模型公司(以下简称“威龙公司”)以1942年苏联海军步兵(黑海舰队)在塞瓦斯托波尔战役为题材开发的。 所谓海军步兵,其实就是沙俄及之后的苏联对其海军陆战队的称呼。冠以这一称谓的部队最早建于沙皇彼得大帝时期。建成后,作为各舰队
The sea: the Marines This military couple for the Hong Kong Veyron model company (hereinafter referred to as “Veyron company”) in 1942 the Soviet navy infantry (Black Sea Fleet) in Sevastopol battle as the theme development. The so-called naval infantry is actually what the Soviet Union claims to its Marine Corps after Russia and Russia. Corps crowned with this title was first built in the era of Tsar Peter the Great. After completion, as the fleet