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本文基于公司年度会计信息可比性的度量,考察了公司内、外部治理机制以及公司财务特征等因素对我国上市公司会计信息可比性的影响。研究发现,激烈的产品市场竞争能够提高所在行业公司的会计信息可比性;审计师的行业专长也有利于提高被审计公司与行业内其他公司的会计信息可比性;相对于非国有控股公司,国有控股公司的会计信息可比性更低;盈余波动性、公司规模、负债比率均与会计信息可比性显著负相关;盈利能力和账面市值比与会计信息可比性显著正相关;机构投资者持股和独立董事比例对会计信息可比性的影响不显著。 Based on the comparability of the annual accounting information of the company, this paper examines the influence of the internal and external governance mechanisms and the financial characteristics of the company on the comparability of the accounting information of the listed companies in our country. The study found that fierce competition in the product market can improve the comparability of accounting information of the companies in different industries. The professional expertise of auditors also helps to improve the comparability of accounting information between the audited company and other companies in the industry. Compared with non-state-controlled companies, The holding company’s accounting information comparability is lower; the earnings volatility, company size, debt ratio are significantly negatively correlated with the comparability of accounting information; profitability and book market value ratio is significantly and positively correlated with the comparability of accounting information; institutional investors holding and The effect of the proportion of independent directors on the comparability of accounting information is not significant.
摘 要:自主学习模式是推进小学数学教学改革的途径之一,符合高年级小学生的学情需要,对促进学生自主学习能力和数学思维能力的发展起着至关重要的作用。分析探讨了小学数学课堂学生自主学习模式的构建,期望对提高学生学习能力有所帮助。  关键词:小学数学;自主学习;自主探究  一、引导课前预习,激发自主学习兴趣  课前预习是培养学生自主学习能力的重要途径,在课前预习环节,教师可通过布置导学案、上传微课、布置前