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一、首先应确立档案事业可持续发展观念观念是行动的先导。因此,必须首先确立档案事业可持续发展观念。 (一)领导干部应率先确立档案事业可持续发展观念。即要增强档案意识、依法治档意识、科技兴档意识和档案眼务意识,从党和国家建设大业的高度、法律的角度,去对待档案事业,帮助解决其靠自身努力而无法解决的诸如机构、编制、经费、科研、教育等实际问题,不因一己的好恶、领导人的更替而使档案事业出现停滞,甚至断层。 (二)档案部门及档案干部,是具体承担档案事业发展任务的责任者,在牢固树立档案事业可持续发展观念的同时,还要充分认识到:档案事业发展固然是重要的,但如何发展才是合理的、可持续的。在从事档案事务中,要有长远的、整体的发展观念,不能只看具体业务目标完成情况,而忽略了内在质量的提高。 First, we should first establish the concept of the concept of sustainable development of archives is the precursor of action. Therefore, we must first establish the concept of sustainable development of archives. (1) Leading cadres should take the lead in establishing the concept of sustainable development of archives. In other words, we should enhance the awareness of archives, the consciousness of managing archives according to law, the consciousness of science and technology and the consciousness of archives. From the perspective of the great cause of party and state construction, we should treat archives and help solve their problems that can not be solved by their own efforts Institutions, compilation, funding, research, education and other practical issues, not because of their own likes and dislikes, the leadership of the replacement of the archives cause stagnation, or even a fault. (B) the file department and file cadres, is responsible for the task of the development of the cause of the file, while firmly establishing the concept of sustainable development of the file business, but also fully aware that: the development of the file is certainly important, but how to develop It is reasonable and sustainable. In the file business, there must be a long-term, holistic concept of development can not only look at specific business goals to complete the situation, while ignoring the internal quality improvement.
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笔者在备课杜牧《阿房宫赋》时发现部分注释存在疑点,这给准确地理解课文带来一定困难,现谈谈我个人的理解。 In the preparation of class Du Mu “A Fang Gong Fu” found
一支乌黑发亮的乌铁笛,一尊烙着蓼花图案的鼎罐,一片洒满热血的土地,指引着我们跟随邓湘子老师踏上了游学绥宁的旅途。  我们随着小说中的主角安生的路线进入绥宁。那平静的蓼河映入眼帘,在阳光里闪闪发光,河中嬉戏的鸭子欢呼雀跃,把我带到邓湘子老师创作的《蓼花鼎罐》中的故事里。  我的脑海里不禁涌现出安生和端午相遇的场景。我仿佛看见在一片茂盛的蓼草中,细碎的红花像片片红云,端午在蓼河边洗水芹菜,这时走来一个