石骨症又名骨骼石化症(Osteopetrosis),大理石骨症(Marblebone disease)等,临床比较少见,现将我科在收治的急性菌痢患儿中发现一例报告于下。 患儿黄×,男,6岁,病案号100025,因急性菌痢住入我院传染科。入院后发现患儿发育不良,营养差,面色苍黄呈贫血貌,全身浅在淋巴结肿大,约黄豆大小,活动,无压痛。方颅,左侧面部肿胀,左眼眶下有约0.5×0.5cm破溃处有脓性分泌物溢出,双眼球稍有突出,双耳外观、视力、听力、未发现异常,鼻通气不畅,上下各有门齿两个,以后再未出牙,有鸡胸及肋骨串珠。两肺呼
Osteopenia, also known as osteopetrosis (Osteopetrosis), marble bone disease (Marblebone disease), clinical less common, now our department in the treatment of acute dysentery in children found a case report. Children with yellow ×, male, 6 years old, case number 100025, due to acute bacillary dysentery admitted to our hospital Department of Infectious Diseases. Admission found that children with dysplasia, poor nutrition, pale yellow pale face, the body shallow in the lymph nodes, about the size of soybeans, activity, no tenderness. Side of the skull, left facial swelling, left orbital about 0.5 × 0.5cm rupture of purulent secretions overflow, slightly prominent eyes, binaural appearance, visual acuity, hearing, no abnormalities, poor nasal ventilation, There are two incisors from top to bottom, no teeth out later, chicken breast and ribs. Call both lungs