复方阿斯匹林片系三组分的混合制剂,中国药典采用酸碱滴定法、亚硝酸钠法和碘量法分别测定阿斯匹林、非那西汀和咖啡因(本文分别以A、p和C表示)的含量。该法操作繁琐费时。本文应用系数倍率法,不经分离直接测得三组份的含量。方法简便、快速。实验和结果 (一)仪器和试剂 751G分光光度计;岛津UV-300分光光度计;紫金-Ⅱ微处理机。阿斯匹林、非那西汀和咖啡因(精制品)。NaOH溶液(0.2mol/L)。复方阿斯匹林片南京第二制药厂。pH6.5
Compound aspirin tablets is a mixture of three components, Chinese Pharmacopoeia using acid-base titration, sodium nitrite and iodine were measured aspirin, phenacetin and caffeine (in this paper, A, p and C). The method is cumbersome and time-consuming operation. In this paper, coefficient magnification method, without separation directly measured the content of three components. The method is simple and fast. Experiments and results (a) instruments and reagents 751G spectrophotometer; Shimadzu UV-300 spectrophotometer; Zijin-Ⅱ microprocessor. Aspirin, phenacetin and caffeine (refined products). NaOH solution (0.2mol / L). Compound Aspirin Nanjing Second Pharmaceutical Factory. pH6.5