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除油、除锈、磷化、钝化“四合一”表面处理新工艺,是在伟大的无产阶级文化大革命中,在毛主席革命路线指引下,发扬破除迷信、解放思想和科学精神,根据生产实际提出的问题,我所于1970年在研究室取得一定实验结果后,与广州汽车制造厂合作,进一步经过科学实验,放大生产成功。两年来,又经过若干厂应用改进和提高,目前有十几个工厂已用于生产实际,尚有数十个工厂在试验或试生产。 根据上级有关新技术、新产品、新材料、新工艺的鉴定与推广工作的指示,我所在浙江省轻工局、杭 The “four-in-one” surface treatment new process of degreasing, rust removal, phosphating, and passivation was carried out under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line during the great proletarian cultural revolution to promote the elimination of superstition, emancipation of thought, and scientific spirit. Actually, the questions raised by the production, I obtained a certain experimental results in the research room in 1970, and cooperated with the Guangzhou Automobile Manufacturing Plant, and further through scientific experiments to amplify the production success. In the past two years, it has been improved and improved through the application of several plants. At present, there are more than a dozen factories have been used for production and there are dozens of factories in trial or trial production. According to the instructions of the superior on the appraisal and promotion of new technologies, new products, new materials, and new processes, my company is located in the Zhejiang Provincial Light Industry Bureau and Hangzhou.
遵照伟大领袖毛主席“要节约闹革命”的教导,为了进一步推动天津市第一机械工业局系统各企业电焊工作的节电热潮,天津市第一机械工业局情报总站,于1973年3月17日在天津 In
1972年11月1日至4日在潜江县召开了全省脱粒机选型定型会议,通过试验鉴定,对四台脱粒机定了型,其中两台为简易式,两台为半复式。现将这四台脱粒机简介如下。 From November
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