一条新闻,特别是电视新闻,如何抓住观众的心,看后使观众回味无穷,留下深刻印象,除了新闻本身具有良好的体裁外,一个重要的方法就是新闻立意要新,要高、要深。记者在采访中对所要采写的新闻如何能做到立意要新,要高呢? 新闻立意要在现实生活中产生 新闻中的立意如何,是报道题材本身所具有的。它不是头脑中固有的,也不是简单地照搬照抄文件可以获得的。所以新闻中的立意既不能随意拔高,更不可凭空臆造。它只能从现实生活中产生,从报道的事实中产生。有的立意蕴涵于错综复杂的客观
A news, especially the television news, how to seize the audience’s heart, after watching the audience memorable, impressed, in addition to the news itself has a good genre, an important way is to press new ideas, high, to deep. In the interview, how can the journalist be able to do what he wants in a news conference? What should he do in his journalism? What are the intentions of the news that he wants to produce news in real life? It is not inherent in the mind, nor is it simply a copy of a document. Therefore, the conception in the news can not be arbitrarily high, let alone empty conjecture. It can only be generated from real life and from the facts reported. Some conception implies intricate objectivity