
来源 :教育革新 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Chanco
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学校课程改革最终体现在学校课程、教育行为和教育细节之中,成为学校的课程文化传统。着力构建课程领导共同体(校长、教师、专家、学生、家长和社区各方面力量的参与),让课程参与者共同承担课程领导的责任,分享共同的价值观,是学校课程变革的必然要求。提升课程领导力意味着对课程的判断力、理解力、规划力、执行力和评价力的提升。提升课程领导力是学校课程实践的核心内涵,也是提升学校课程品质的基本保证,更是推动学校发展由标准化、规 School curriculum reform is ultimately reflected in the school curriculum, educational behavior and educational details into the school’s curriculum and cultural traditions. It is an inevitable requirement for the course participants to establish the curriculum leadership community (the participation of principals, teachers, experts, students, parents and community forces). It is an inevitable requirement for curriculum participants to shoulder the responsibility of curriculum leadership and share common values. Improving curriculum leadership means increasing judgment, understanding, planning, execution and evaluation of the curriculum. To enhance curriculum leadership is the core content of the practice of the school curriculum, but also to improve the quality of the school curriculum, the basic guarantee, but also promote the development of schools from the standardization
患者女, 30岁.因同房后不规则阴道流血半年,于2005年12月20日入院.入院前40 d在外院行阴道镜下宫颈活检,病理报告为慢性宫颈炎.体检:身材瘦小,面容衰老,口腔黏膜、嘴唇、指趾均见黑色斑点及斑块.宫颈重度颗粒状糜烂,并块状突起,质脆,触血阳性.阴道镜检查:见粗大异型血管,对醋酸无反应,未见异型上皮.再次宫颈活检,仍考虑为宫颈炎症.后行宫颈锥切术,病理报告:微偏腺癌.2006年1月2日行广泛
格言:幸福、长寿  象征:辟邪招福,保佑生活与旅途的平安    海蓝宝石的学名为Aquamarine,拉丁语中“Aqua”的意思是“水”,“marine”的意思是“海”。  海蓝宝石与珍贵的祖母绿宝石同属绿柱石类矿物,以其内包含物少,高度透明的蓝色为特征。近年来,成为人气急速上升的宝石之一。  在古代的传说中,海蓝宝石是小美人鱼眼泪的结晶。用海蓝宝石浸泡过的水,可以治愈眼疾。  人们还相信,海蓝宝