在辛亥革命过程中,许多革命志士激于义愤,曾多次采取暗杀手段,刺杀满清大臣。在华侨志士参加的暗杀活动中,以温生才、邝佐治最为突出。邝佐治的行刺不但在国外进行,而且在行刺未遂的案发后又是幸免子死的幸运者,在华侨中的影响较大,兹把这一史迹略述如下: 旅美华侨邝佐治,原名邝林,号佐治,祖籍广东台山县,1879年生于美国旧金山。幼时随母回国求学,生性任侠仗义,好抱不平,遇乡人遭土豪劣绅欺侮,必竭力袒之。父亡后家道中落,乃返美国习西厨业。家有妻、儿和母。1909年春,香港同盟会会员李是男与有志者十余人在旧金山成立少年学社,佐治亦报名加入。同盟会机关在美国成立后,佐治亦率先参加。自此后更加雄心勃勃,隐萌史坚如、徐锡麟之志。(注) 日
During the Revolution of 1911, many revolutionary lords stirred their indignation and repeatedly tried to assassinate Minister Manchu by assassinating them. In the assassination activities of overseas Chinese intellectuals, the most prominent are Wen Shengcai and Kuang Zuzhi. Not only is Kuang Zu Zhi’s assassination conducted abroad, but it is also a fortunate lucky survivor after the attempted incident. It has a greater impact on overseas Chinese. Here is a brief summary of this historical phenomenon: Kuang Zuozhi, an overseas Chinese in the United States, Kwong Lam, No. George, native of Taishan County, Guangdong, was born in San Francisco in 1879. When she was young, she returned home to study with her mother. She was very gallant and unyielding. When her natives were bullied by local princes and gentry, she would try their best to resist her. After the father died in the family Road, is returning to the United States Xi kitchen. Family wife, child and mother. The spring of 1909, Hong Kong Alliance members Lee Yee Man and more than a dozen people in San Francisco established juvenile society, George also enrolled. After the establishment of the United States, the alliance’s governing body also took the lead in attending. Since then, more ambitious, Hidden Meng Shi Jianru, Xu Tilin’s ambition. (Note) Day